Radiologic Technology

Requirements and Details

放射技术计划侧重于一般放射摄影. 超声检查(超声成像)的培训是在专门的超声检查项目中进行的(而不是在圣. Cloud State). The St. 云州放射技术计划不包括任何超声(超声成像)的临床培训。.


U. S. 本专业所有学生必须具有公民身份或永久居留权.

重要提示:大学目录中给出的“入学和课程要求”不是St. Cloud State. 这是对已经在圣乔治大学注册的学生的要求. Cloud State. We offer all of the required classes here. You don’t have to take any classes before you come to St. Cloud State.

在最初的两年里,学生们在圣. Cloud State. 临床放射学课程在过去两年中完成,并在圣. Cloud State's clinical affiliates. 这被称为临床实习阶段(有时也称为临床阶段),其中的课程为学生参加国家放射技术认证考试做准备,并满足圣. Cloud State.

This major requires job shadowing (PDF)(作为一名大学生完成-在高中毕业后和在圣. 云状态),可以在任何医院或诊所做x射线成像. 传统的方法是联系你住的地方附近医院的诊断成像部门,询问他们你是否可以在那里做实习工作. See also the “Frequently Asked Questions” section.

Admission to St. Cloud State does not guarantee a clinical internship. 临床实习的接受是竞争性的,并基于医院附属机构制定的标准. 所有的校内临床前要求都应该在临床阶段开始的那一年的五月完成.

I am a high school student. What are the first steps that I need to take?

I am a transfer student. What are the first steps that I need to take?

I am confused. What do I need to do to be in this program?


Applying for formal admission to the program

申请医院实习的条件(适用于目前的St. Cloud State students)

Is this program accredited?

Additional Resources