

St. 博彩平台大全认识到需要为学生提供有吸引力的住宿校园体验,并确保校园内有足够的工作人员来支持有效的大学运作, however, some positions at St. 博彩平台大全可以通过远程办公成功完成,同时仍然保持卓越的服务. 远程办公并不是放之四海而皆准的,也不一定适合所有岗位.

St. Cloud State University支持灵活工作安排的战略价值和好处,以增加员工的工作经验,增加招聘和留住有价值的员工. 允许远程办公的能力将继续与确保学生参与校园体验保持平衡, visitors and employees.

同时努力为所有员工提供平等的工作机会, 人们认识到,并非所有职位都有能力或将适合远程工作.


Regular, recurring telework at St. Cloud State University is governed by the Telework-Full Telework or Hybrid Policy.

This policy does not replace the Short-Term Telework Policy, which covers occasional telework for specific situations.


远程办公策略包括流程图,以帮助制定远程办公决策, 以及一份远程工作表格,以帮助最终确定远程工作是否适合该职位的政策. 人力资源部门还制定了以下指导,以帮助员工和主管初步确定是否可以选择远程办公.

Section 1 - Position Eligibility Questions for Telework

1. 办公室/部门和个人职位的工作是否可以远程完成?

2. 如果这个职位允许远程办公,其他员工的工作量会增加吗?

3. IT硬件/软件/其他非IT设备是否允许员工完成所有可用的任务? This includes access to specialized software and systems, 例如远程桌面协议[RDP]或专门的MinnState系统或设备.

4. Can the employee remotely attend all required meetings, and maintain adequate remote communication with others, in order to allow for the successful completion of the work?

5. Do other employees frequently work closely together with this position?

6. 这个职位是否有明确的目标,即使在远程工作的情况下也能很容易地衡量出来?

7. 该职位是否定期与学生或其他员工直接互动(而不是在线)? Are they often a first point of contact for campus interactions? 如果是这样,客户是否需要面对面的帮助来获得良好的客户体验?

8. If this position supervises student workers or other employees, 他们是否有监督的责任,需要他们亲自出席?

9. 这个职位的所有工作活动和目标都能在远程办公中完成吗?

10. Does this position work with private or privileged data?

Section 2 - Employee Eligibility Questions for Telework

1. Do you have concerns about the employee’s work performance?

2. Does this employee work independently and manage their own priorities?

3. 员工是否受到任何可能与远程办公相关/影响远程办公的纪律处分?

4. 员工最近的绩效评估是“达到预期”还是更好?

5. 自上次绩效考核以来,员工是否被列入任何改进计划/期望信?

6. 员工是否具备成功远程办公所需的沟通技巧?

7. 员工是否有一个不让人分心的远程工作环境, and access to a reliable Internet connection?

Telework Responsibilities



Complete the Supervisor Considerations portion of the telework form.

Complete the Non-supervisor portions of the telework form.

Review the telework form and policy, and determine whether telework is a good fit for the position, the employee, and whether it will serve the university and our customers well.

与主管合作,针对完成远程办公表格期间提出的任何问题制定缓解计划. Set up and review your telework space if telework is approved. 

如果远程办公被批准,签发员工MMB HR/LR政策#1422,并与员工一起审查.

一旦你的主管和员工一起审阅了远程办公表格,就在表格上签字. Review MMB HR/LR policy #1422.


Notify both supervisor and HR if you move outside of Minnesota.


Work with your supervisor to obtain any necessary equipment or supplies, 并执行主管确定的任何缓解措施/培训或发展计划.

Set clear goals and expectations for telework employee. Establish clear deliverables.

Keep your supervisor updated on performance goal completion. 让你的上司知道你在达到目标或期望时遇到的任何障碍/问题.


Attend scheduled check-ins/meetings with supervisor. 让你的上司了解最新的目标进展、工作问题和任何干扰/障碍.

监控员工的工作表现,确保员工在远程办公的情况下实现所有目标并完成所有需要完成的工作. Address any performance issues. Provide ongoing coaching and feedback.

Advise supervisor of any issues you’re encountering. 与你的主管合作,解决他们发现的任何绩效差距. Follow the schedule and guidelines established for telework.

Hold to deliverables and expectations, but also support and encourage the employee while working remotely. Be as flexible as possible while ensuring that the work gets done.

Meet the goals set by the supervisor for the position. Keep your supervisor aware of any difficulties encountered, and work with them to overcome obstacles and deliver on goals. 监控自己的表现,确保自己达到上级对远程办公安排的期望.

Town Hall

In Fall 2023, 人力资源部门召开座谈会,帮助主管了解远程办公政策, and to give information on how to help manage employees who telework. The PowerPoint presentation, which has information on telework that may be of use to all employees, is included below.

View/Download Presentation